We’re now in the last quarter of 2021. For many of us, that means navigating both a final push at work as well as the hectic holiday season.
While your schedule might be full right now, you may also feel like your fuel tank is running on empty. And you’re not alone. The new Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey & Company and Lean In found that 42% of women say they often or almost always feel burned out. For women who manage teams, the crisis is even worse. More than half of women leaders report experiencing burnout.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The unprecedented demands on us these days amplify the need to be intentional in how we approach these busy final weeks of the year. Answering these three questions can help you reduce your stress and increase your sense of control.
1. What Does the Road Ahead Look Like?
When there’s a lot going on, life can feel overwhelming. Getting everything out of your head and onto a piece of paper can do wonders to make it feel more manageable. So, take a moment to jot down what you foresee happening at work and in your personal life through the end of 2021. This will reduce the level of uncertainty for you, start to set your expectations and allow you to strategize.
2. What Can You Do for Yourself?
As you think about the rest of the year, determine what would help you the most. Start by identifying strategies that have worked well for you this year and choose one to use proactively. For example, if distractions and interruptions are out of control, talk to your team about alternative ways to effectively communicate and work with them. Or if delivering performance reviews stresses you out, set aside some time to explore how to make feedback easier and more effective. Or if you have to spend time with family members who drain your energy, counteract that by scheduling time doing something fun or energizing.
3. Whose Support Do You Need?
Even before Covid-19, loneliness was being called an epidemic in its own right. Amid our busy lives, it’s all too easy to let our connections with others fray. But those connections can be the very thing that gets us through busy or stressful times. Don’t try to soldier through on your own. Instead, reach out in advance to someone who can give you the kind of support you need over the coming weeks. Describe the “warning signs” of stress that they should look for and how they can best help you if they arise. For example, you could ask your spouse, “If you notice that I’m working long hours and getting irritable, could you please remind me that starting my day with a walk or run always helps me feel better and be more productive?”
If the person whose support you really crave is no longer with you, write down the words you would need to hear from that person and keep them accessible. If, for example, your late mom always used to know what to say to help you bounce back, keep some of her words of wisdom in the notes app on your phone.
By spending a few minutes this week to answer these questions, you’ll be taking a powerful step to protect your health, energy level and peace of mind as the year winds down. For a deeper dive into managing your energy as a leader, check out our tools and resources, ranging from the New Lens® app to books and audio training to executive coaching. You’ll find solutions that fit both your needs and your busy schedule.